7-8-2015 9:31 AM Hello from Mammoth Lakes, California. Flash Flood Watch Today On Tuesday the lower parts of town picked up very heavy rain mixed with lot s of hail. Up here on the Slopes at the 8175 foot level all I got was a few rain drops and lot s of rumbling thunder over head. I did drive up the street to the top of Timber Ridge. You could see the rain and hail falling down in town perfectly. Below is a picture I got of the local down pour. Heavy Rain and Hail Falling in Mammoth Lakes on Tuesday The forecast for Today and Thursday is once again calling for a 80% chance of picking up some heavy rain showers mixed in with hail. The NWS has posted a Flash Flood Watch from 10AM to 4PM for Mammoth Lakes and the local Back Country areas. If your going to be out hiking the next few days plan on being back to at least the tree lined areas by 12 pm. I would advise carrying rain gear and have a plan to take cover if you encounter a thunder storm. In most cases storms move out f
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